ILS 2025 Auction
Be a part of Immanuel Lutheran School’s 2025 Auction and investing in the lives of local children!
Thank you for your consideration and generous support of our students, our families, our teachers and our school!
Ideas for Auction Items
Unique events or experiences you could share with students or families!
Hosting a special dinner or special event or sign-on party for other families.
Hosting a special event for a class (Chick-fil-A lunch, class trip to Dairy Godmother, class ice-cream party, etc.)
Do you have a vacation home that you could donate a getaway?
Do you paint? Knit? Sew? Make quilts? Make crafts? Have another talent you can share?
Gift card to your favorite Etsy shop or local business
Lawn/landscaping or other home-care service
One-of-a kind hand-made items
Family photography sessions
Gift cards to your favorite local restaurant
Custom themed gift baskets (Summer Fun, Book Lovers, Game Night, Dining Out, BBQ, Golf, etc.)
Original works of art