2025-2026 Tuition Rates 

  • Jr. Kindergarten: $8,995

  • K-8 (non-members of Immanuel Lutheran Church): $15,198

  • K-8 non-members - each additional student: $12,172

  • K-8 (members of LCMS Churches): $12,289

  • K-8 (members of LCMS Churches - each additional student): $9,941

  • K-8 members of Immanuel Lutheran Church: $10,735

  • K-8 members - each additional student: $8,690

2025-2026 Fees

  • Non-refundable application fee (new students): $95

  • Non-refundable registration fee (all students): $225

  • Facilities fee (all students): $300

  • Science Camp fee (grades 5-8 only): $200

  • Security fee (per family): $200

Deposit: Immanuel Lutheran School requires a tuition deposit of $1,000, which includes the $225 registration fee and $775 tuition deposit charged to FACTS upon receipt of the signed Enrollment Contract. The tuition deposit is nonrefundable.

The tuition balance is paid through FACTS in ten equal installments on the 5th or 20th of each month from August through May. Tuition Assistance may be available to those who qualify. Please call the office for information or complete our online application.

Military discount: $1,000 per child. Available to all non-member families who have one parent on active duty, without submitting a full financial aid application. Military discounts are not extended to member families paying the already discounted member rate at Immanuel or families in membership at other LCMS churches.

LCMS Families: Families from other LCMS churches are asked to submit a letter from their pastor at the time of enrollment to confirm their church membership.

Withdrawal Fee: A withdrawal fee of $1,500 is charged for students withdrawing from the school between April 15 and June 15 of the year preceding enrollment. Full annual tuition and fees for the upcoming school year are due for any student who has re-enrolled and withdraws on or after June 16. Please refer to the Enrollment Contract for more details.

Extended Care Program: Immanuel offers both before school and after school extended care options for busy parents. Our Extended Care professionals are carefully screened and selected. They engage our children in constructive educational activities, direct outdoor sports and free play, assist with homework and ensure that the extended day experience is fun and educational!

Click here for PDF of Tuition Schedule (and Extended Care Rates)