2020 Upper School Oration Showcase

CONGRATULATIONS to our ILS Upper School students on the successful completion on another year of orations. This year has been different in many ways, and students carefully memorized and prepared orations from their own homes instead of in-person in class. We are so proud of the work of each and every one of our students. The orations showed dignity, composure, and enthusiasm. We wish each of our students could hear the round of applause deserved for these orations.

The top two orations from each class, 5th-8th grades, were entered into the final showcase. It was an intense competition, and we congratulate 8th grader Aria on winning 1st place in the 2020 Oration Showcase! 2nd place was a tie between 8th grader Tyler Reese and 6th grader Emelyn.

Please enjoy Aria’s oration, along with some of the other final pieces included in our showcase this year. Congratulations again to every student for their outstanding work!

The Oration Showcase 2020 participants included:

5th Grade: Brandon, Grace
6th Grade: Emelyn, George
7th Grade: Rory, Leia
8th Grade: Tyler Reese, Aria, Margaret