Class of 2020 Meet Us Monday: Caroline

We are counting down to the end of the 2019-2020 school year, and it is a particularly bittersweet time for our 8th grade students as they prepare to graduate under very unusual circumstances. To help celebrate and recognize our ILS Class of 2020, we are again launching our “Meet Us Monday” blog series to introduce you to the members of this year’s graduating class.

Each week, we will be sharing interviews that we have done with each of our 8th grade students, in which they share more about their favorite ILS memories and traditions, words of wisdom they’ve received over the years, and other reflections from their years here with us at ILS. We hope that you will enjoy these reflections, and join with us in congratulating and celebrating these students!

Meet Us Monday: Caroline B., ILS Class of 2020

1. How long have you attended ILS? 
Since 6th grade.

2. To what house do you belong, and how have you developed as a person by being involved in it? 
I’m in Irenaeus. It has helped me become a better leader, especially this year in 8th grade. I mostly help with planning for competitions.

3. What was your favorite House competition?
My favorite house competition is the Peeps Dioramas. This is when every house is required to make a few dioramas of different scenes, but the figures inside them are all peeps. There are different categories you can enter: literary, something you learned about that year, something about ILS. I’m pretty good at coming up with ideas and it’s so fun to work with your friends. My best idea was probably “Peepsades” or the Crusades with Peeps. It was bloody.

4. What is your favorite ILS memory? (Or, which ILS tradition will you remember the most?)
I really like the Mother-Daughter Tea. You get to dress up and decorate the tables and it’s lovely. Everyone drinks tea. I never drank tea before the Mother-Daughter Tea but now I do: chamomile.

5. Which event did you most look forward to during your 8th grade year?
I probably was looking forward to camp the most. You get to do the zipline – last time, we stayed up late each night in the bunk, telling stories and talking.

6. What was your favorite class at ILS, and why?
My favorite subject is definitely literature. I love to read and it’s great to talk with my classmates about each book. Miss C. Davis’s class is full of discussion. This year we read Lord of the Flies, which was really interesting. We talked a lot about good and evil. Miss Davis inspires me to read, especially Tolkien.

7. What was your favorite ILS field trip?
Probably iFly was my favorite in 6th grade.

 8.  Where are you attending High School?
I’m going to Stoneridge School of the Sacred Heart. I’m really excited. It’s fairly big and they have a cafeteria, which sounds nice. It’s going to be the high school experience. I’ll definitely swim there, and might run cross country also.

 9. What will you miss the most about ILS? 
It’s wonderful that you get to know everyone so well at ILS. I will definitely miss that.

 10. What is something a teacher told you that you will never forget?
Miss C. Davis has always been very understanding. She’s never been condescending but is always really, truly nice.