Class of 2020 Meet Us Monday: Parker W.

We are counting down to the end of the 2019-2020 school year, and it is a particularly bittersweet time for our 8th grade students as they prepare to graduate under very unusual circumstances. To help celebrate and recognize our ILS Class of 2020, we are again launching our “Meet Us Monday” blog series to introduce you to the members of this year’s graduating class.

Each week, we will be sharing interviews that we have done with each of our 8th grade students, in which they share more about their favorite ILS memories and traditions, words of wisdom they’ve received over the years, and other reflections from their years here with us at ILS. We hope that you will enjoy these reflections, and join with us in congratulating and celebrating these students!

Meet Us Monday: Parker W., ILS Class of 2020

1. How long have you attended ILS?  10 years. 10 good years. 

2. To what house do you belong, and how have you developed as a person by being involved in it? II belong to Irenaeus. I think it’s a great experience. You compete but you also work closely with your captain and team. It helps you build friendships in your house. I’m a captain in my house. It’s taught me how to work with people in different age groups, with different personalities. 

3. What was your favorite House competition? It was definitely a scavenger hunt that we did a few years ago, full of clues to lead us to our captains who were hiding in the neighborhood. So, the house captains created it. They hid clues all around the campus and Del Ray to lead us to their hiding spots. The house that got their captain and ran back to campus first won. We won. 

4. What is your favorite ILS memory? (Or, which ILS tradition will you remember the most?) My favorite tradition is probably Adventure Camp and Science Camp. You hang out with your friends but it’s not the typical school environment so you get to know them and your teachers better. My favorite memory …. That’s hard. Maybe last year with Miss Carissa Davis. It was snowing, and it was pizza day, so she got all the empty pizza boxes and our class went sledding down the hill on the playground. There was so much falling down the hill. It was fun but also crazy. 

5. Which event did you most look forward to during your 8th grade year? Adventure camp, and my graduation. It’s my last year and I’ve been looking forward to these things all year, so it’s pretty disappointing we aren’t going to camp due to COVID. We’ll still have a graduation, but it won’t be as normal this year. 

6. What was your favorite class at ILS, and why? Probably literature, because Miss Carissa Davis is a great teacher. We really get into what each book means. I’ve really enjoyed the entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy. We talked about “light vs. dark” a lot in that series, especially because our theme in literature this year is “Redemption.”

7. What was your favorite ILS field trip? The most fun was “I-Fly,” and the most hilarious moment was watching Mr. Barnett fly. 

 8.  Where are you attending High School? I’m going to Bishop Ireton. It was hard to make decisions about where to go. It’s a huge new step; I’ve been here for ten years and known everyone for so long. It’s hard to envision a future that doesn't involve ILS. However, I’m looking forward to BI and playing sports especially, hopefully basketball.

 9. What will you miss the most about ILS?  I’ll miss my friends and teachers. 

 10. What is something a teacher told you that you will never forget? Many of my teachers have talked to me about how I’m a leader, especially Miss Carissa Davis. She challenges me to be a good example and to use my influence well.