Class of 2021 Meet Us Monday: Mary Shelton

We are counting down to the end of the 2020-2021 school year, and it is a particularly bittersweet time for our 8th grade students as they prepare to graduate. To help celebrate and recognize our ILS Class of 2021, we are again launching our “Meet Us Monday” blog series to introduce you to the members of this year’s graduating class.

Each week, we will be sharing interviews that we have done with each of our 8th grade students, in which they share more about their favorite ILS memories and traditions, words of wisdom they’ve received over the years, and other reflections from their years here with us at ILS. We hope that you will enjoy these reflections, and join with us in congratulating and celebrating these students!


Meet Us Monday: Mary Shelton H., ILS Class of 2021

1. How long have you attended ILS? 

I’ve been attending ILS since 4th grade, so it’s my 5th and final year – hopefully. If I fail it, it won’t be my final year, but I hope that won’t happen. (Editor’s note: that definitely won’t happen).

2. To what house do you belong, and how have you developed as a person by being involved in it? 

I am in Irenaeus! In houses you learn how to be a part of a team – sportsmanship is an important part of that. I’ve grown close to people in the House of Irenaeus. You learn how to listen to people and their opinions. My first year at ILS was 4th grade, 4th graders used to be in the House system, so technically I’ve been in House Irenaeus longer than is possible right now.

3. What was your favorite House competition?

I don’t have one favorite. The bridge competition was fun because Irenaeus usually won it every time – our strategy was good. It’s always a good feeling when victory is ours. The challenge was to build a bridge out of popsicle sticks – the bridge that can bear the most weight wins. The peeps diorama is always fun. This year’s building competition was fun. We were supposed to build the tallest structure out of marshmallows and toothpicks. To prevent it from breaking, we smooshed all of our marshmallows together We got marshmallow goop all over everything, but especially Evangeline’s desk and scissors. I still have some goop on my backpack. It was great to joke around and be a part of a team, even when it was a total disaster – seeing my teammates’ creative ideas is fun too.

4. What is your favorite ILS memory? (Or, which ILS tradition will you remember the most?)

My favorite memories from 5th and 6th grade include Science Camp. It was so fun, just to be out of the classroom and outside with friends. In 7th and 8th grade, playing Uno at lunch with Rhona and both Davii was tons of fun. In 7th grade, we would also challenge Ms. Kramer to Uno. Eventually she got so frustrated by our Uno strategies that she banished us temporarily from her office. I know that sounds pretty bad, but it was all in good fun. Ms. Kramer wrote a banishment note that she posted on her office door that Rhona and I cherish to this day.

5. What subject have you studied that has most inspired you, and how? What subject have you studied that most challenged you to grow or change?

I think English is one of my most inspiring and challenging classes – spelling and grammar have been hard for me, but I’ve been getting a lot better. English is probably one of my favorite classes, because I love to read and learn about different authors.

Logic is also really challenging to me because we have to share our thoughts and opinions with reasoning, and I don’t really like sharing my thoughts. Ms. Kramer makes logic class fun and enjoyable.

6.  Where have you applied to High School?

I’m applying to Oakcrest, Bishop Ireton, and TC Williams. I hope to learn more about art and English in high school, but beyond that I don’t really have my life plan figured out. I probably will keep playing Uno though.

 7. What will you miss the most about ILS?

I will miss the ILS community. It’s just nice. For example, about two months ago, Maude and I were walking around the blacktop outside. We could see the Jr. K students on their playground, and they had all crowded up to see us– they yelled over to us “Hi Maude! Hi Mary Shelton!” It was just really sweet that they know us and like us. My classmates are really nice also about 95% of the time, which is a decent percentage overall.

8. How has a teacher impacted your life personally in a way you will never forget?

Both Miss Davises taught me to choose my words carefully and care for others. They always tell me to do what is right and follow the rules, unless I’m playing Uno. And Ms. Kramer – she’s been really supportive.

ANOTHER THING. In the spring of 2020 when we were virtual, I’d sometimes walk the dog to school so I could tape a note to Miss Davis’s classroom window and say hello from a distance. She’d always wave and make a point to talk with me.