Meet Us Monday: Mrs. Laurie Honig, Jr. Kindergarten Teacher

In preparation for the 2020-2021 school year, we’re re-launching our Meet Us Monday Blog series to introduce you to our outstanding ILS teachers and staff. Check in each week to meet or better get to know one of our new or returning faculty members.

Today, we invite you go get to know ILS Jr. Kindergarten Lead Teacher, Mrs. Laurie Honig, with her recent “Meet Us Monday” interview.

Mrs. Honig is beginning her 11th year teaching Jr. Kindergarten at ILS. She is also the parent of 4 ILS graduates.


  1. What is your favorite thing about ILS?

    My favorite thing is the sense of community. It is a treasured place. 

  2. What book are you currently reading?

    Live Love Now by Rachel Macy Stafford and How Happiness Happens by Max Lucado

  3. What was your favorite thing you did this summer?

    Redecorated my house with my family and planned ahead for Christmas. 

  4. What is one place you would like to visit but have not yet been?

    Padua, Italy and London 

  5. What was your favorite subject/class when you were in school? 


  6. What was your favorite book as a child? What is your favorite book to teach?

    The Velveteen Rabbit and my favorite book to teach is My Father’s Dragon. I love to watch the students reactions :) 

  7. What is your favorite scripture verse? 

    Deuteronomy 31:6
    ”Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you”