As we enter this final month of our summer break, we pray that our students, families, and teachers have enjoyed some rest and leisure. With the approaching new school year, stay tuned for some fun posts as we look forward to the school year to come!
Our "What we're reading..." feature for August is full of news articles, sermons, and other news that we’ve found interesting or insightful over the summer, and we hope that you will enjoy spending some time reading and reflecting as well.
In preparation for the new year, we’d love to hear from you! Would you take a moment and share a book or article that you’ve read lately that you think others in our ILS community may enjoy?
Hearing and Working Together (LCMS 2019 Convention Sermon)- Rev’d Christopher Esget, Esgetology
Our Teens are Facing a Mental Health Crisis and Social Media is the Culprit - Meg Meeker, MD, Meg Meeker MD
A Note to Parents with Wiggly Children - Tim Pauls, The Lutheran Witness
For the Love of Books - Maria Bonvisutto, The Rabbit Room
Sermon: The Marriage of William Thompson and Ji Yoon Noh - Rev’d Christopher Esget, Esgetology
Hymns as Poems: What do They Mean Without Music? - Mrs. Marie Greenway, Prelude to Postlude (CPH Music Blog)
The Plummeting Attendance at Historic Landmarks - Gene Veith, Patheos
Order Your Loves: Keeping Classical “Christian” Education Christian - Matthew Prechter, CIRCE