It was such a joy to finish the month of January celebrating Lutheran Schools Week together! It was a delightful and spirited week of fun traditions, special time of fellowship, and giving thanks for this wonderful ILS community and for being a part of the broader community of Lutheran schools across the country. Thank you to the PTL for launching the week with a wonderful Chili Cook-off on January 25th., We loved seeing the great literary character costumes our students and teachers selected on Monday along with the Bible characters on Thursday, and delighted watching the Lower School students decorating their classroom doors all week. The competition was fierce as Upper School House teams worked on their Peeps Dioramas, and participated in the Academic Bowl. Seeing the Lower School students enthusiastically participate in their House Teams was so much fun, and we all enjoyed a change of pace with Teacher Swap Day on Wednesday. Your generosity was tremendous as you supported our 4 missions throughout the week in the Penny Wars. And we loved watching the community come together to conclude the week with both the Lower School Showcase and the Upper School Talent Show.
As the new month begins, we’re bringing you our latest "What we're reading..." feature with a new selection of articles and features that we hope will inspire and engage you in our ongoing conversation about how we shape our culture together at home and at school.
We give thanks for each of our families, and the wonderful opportunity to partner with you in the important work of educating and nurturing children. Thank you for engaging with us in these ongoing conversations and for sharing items you have read that may be inspiring to others in our ILS community! Please feel free to share a link in the comments to email us any time!
Life Comes from God Alone, and Humans Owe it Reverence - Pastor Christopher Esget, Sermon before the March for Life (Published in The Federalist)
4 Elevator Pitches for Classical Education - Joshua Gibbs, Circe
Am I Relevant? - Pastor Peters, Pastoral Meanderings
Why Church Bells Ring - Mrs. Marie Greenway, CPH Music Blog
Remembering Our Reading - Christine Norvell, The Imaginative Conservative
Upward and Outward: The Tree of Wisdom and Its Prudential Fruit - Phaedra Shaltanis, Classical Academic Press Insights Blog
Studying Virtue in Painting and Poetry - Monica VanDerWeide, Hillsdale College Blog
Teaching Little Ones About: Pastor’s Vestments - Beth Schultz, CPH