Fall has finally fully arrived, and it is hard to believe that we have already finished the first quarter of the school year. It is such a joy to watch the ways our students are learning and growing each day. We so enjoyed welcoming parents, grandparents and other ILS friends to our First Quarter Lower School Showcase on October 19th. Our lower school scholars delighted in the chance to share their poems, songs, jingles, projects and other learning from the quarter. We are very much looking forward to sitting down together for first quarter parent-teacher conferences next week as another opportunity to continue our ongoing conversations about student growth and development throughout the year.
As we launch into November, we have once again collected articles and storied for a new edition of "What we're reading..." Our faculty and staff are always reading, and we take this opportunity each month to share with our families some of the things that we have recently read and found to be interesting, intriguing or otherwise thought-provoking.
As we do each month, we’ve compiled a selection of articles on different topics, including a look at the role of leisure in our lives, a reflection on some of the differences between boys and girls (and what that means for schools), news about an exciting discovery in a basement in Italy, several pieces on classical education, and a few great reads on music as well.
Have you read something lately that you think we, or other ILS families, may enjoy? As always, we love to discover new things to read and chances to learn!
The Power of Song in Bach’s “St. Matthew Passion” - Peter Kalkavage, The Imaginative Conservative
Prayer Hymns: One Immense Voice Raising Supplication to God - Miss Marie Landskroener (ILS Music Teacher), Prelude to Postlude: CPH Music Blog
How a Classics Education Prepares Students for a Modern World - Dana Weeks, EdSurge
Honoring Boyhood - Brian Phillips, Circe Blog
What you cannot find in a book… - Pastor Peters, Pastoral Meanderings
The Purpose of Mathematics in a Classical Education - Thomas Treloar, The Imaginative Conservative
Leisure, Contemplation, and Heaven - Maria Cintorino, The Imaginative Conservative