Class of 2023: Grace

We are in our countdown to the end of the 2022-2023 school year! It is a particularly bittersweet time for our 8th grade students as they prepare to graduate. To help celebrate and recognize our ILS Class of 2023, we have again launched our “Meet Us Monday” blog series to introduce you to the members of this year’s graduating class.

Each week, we will share interviews with each of our 8th grade students, in which they share more about their favorite ILS memories and traditions, words of wisdom they’ve received over the years, and other reflections from their years here with us at ILS. We hope that you will enjoy these reflections, and join with us in congratulating and celebrating these students!

Meet Us Monday: Grace, ILS Class of 2023

1. How long have you attended ILS? 

I have attended ILS a long time.

2. What house are you in and was your favorite House competition?

I am one of the House Captains of House Ambrose. My favorite thing about the Houses is not really a competition, but I enjoy hanging out with younger students in my House – some of them are people I share interests with, some I do not. It’s part of being a role model - to get to know some of the younger kids I wouldn’t have known otherwise. These students are not just fellow House members, but they are my friends and I like spending time with them.

I do love the Bible Bowl though.

3. What is your favorite ILS memory? (Or, which ILS tradition will you remember the most?)

This is hard. I love Science Camp and going away with classmates. It’s part of 8th grade to say goodbye and part of bonding with your class when you are in 5th, 6th and 7th. I’ve always loved Lutheran School Week as well and the evening services.

4. What will you miss the most about ILS?

I think I will miss the people the most. I am going to high school with a number of my classmates, though. I will miss some of my teachers too. I’ll miss Lutheran Schools Week for sure since we won’t have that at a Roman Catholic School and the other ILS traditions that won’t carry over to my new school.

5.  How has a teacher impacted your life personally in a way you will never forget?

Definitely Miss Malcolm - she introduced me to Tolkein and that is something that has been part of my life ever since. We started reading the Hobbit in 5th grade, right before COVID. During COVID I was looking for something to read and since Miss Malcolm loved Tolkein, I decided to read Lord of the Rings and finished it in three weeks. I even wrote my 8th grade portfolio project on Tolkein.

 6. Do you have a favorite Hymn of the Year or Verse for Memorizing?

“I Bind Unto Myself Today” has always been very special to me and it was the first Hymn of the Year when I started at ILS. It was the first hymn I memorized all the stanzas, and I can still sing them all from memory.