Meet Us Monday: Miss Danielle Davis, Upper School Teacher

As the 2020-2021 school year continues, we’re sharing our Meet Us Monday Blog series to introduce you to our outstanding ILS teachers and staff. Check in each week to meet or better get to know one of our new or returning faculty members.

Today, we invite you go get to know another member of our ILS Upper School team, Miss Danielle Davis, with her recent “Meet Us Monday” interview.

In her third year teaching at Immanuel, Miss Davis serves as our Upper School math and science teacher, in addition to being the faculty sponsor for the reigning House Team Champions, House Irenaeus.

Miss Danielle Davis

  1. What is your favorite thing about ILS?

    My favorite thing about Immanuel is how our community is shaped by the goal of teaching our students what is good. 

  2. What book are you currently reading?

    I am currently reading “Mathematics for Human Flourishing” by Francis Su. It is an inspiring read that I highly recommend.  

  3. What was your favorite thing you did this summer?

    I was able to visit several National Parks including Yellowstone, Yosemite, and the Grand Canyon. Each park was absolutely breathtaking and a joy to visit. 

  4. What is one place you would like to visit but have not yet been?

    I would love to go to London. 

  5. What was your favorite subject/class when you were in school? 

    Biology has always been my favorite to student followed closely by literature. 

  6. What was your favorite book as a child? What is your favorite book to teach?

    My favorite book as a child was A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle. As a child I often suffered from insomnia and often fell asleep rereading that book. 

  7. What is your favorite scripture verse? 

    Isaiah 43:2 “When you pass through the waters I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not se you ablaze.”