Meet Our ILS PTL Co-Chair: Ms. Lily Foks

We are so excited to introduce our new ILS Parent Teacher League (PTL) Co-Chairs for the 2022-2023 school year to give you a chance to better know the parents who are going to be serving in the coming school year!

We are so grateful for all of the ways that our parent community serves our students, teachers, and school. The Parent Teacher League (PTL) supports classical Lutheran education at ILS and helps to provide opportunities for parents to engage in the life of the school. Our PTL Co-Chairs are in regular communication with school administrators and room parents to help engage parent volunteers, communicate events, and strengthen our community.

Please watch for emails from the PTL and from Room Parents throughout the year about events and activities!

Meet Us! Ms. Lily Foks, PTL Co-Chair

 1. What grades are your children in at ILS?

Wyatt is in Kindergarten this year and Emmebear will be in Mrs. Honig’s Jr. K class in only 736 days….not that we’re counting.

2. How many years has your family been at ILS?

This is our second year but since there’s so little family turnover we’ve continued bonding through the summer so it feels longer!

3. What is the last book you read?

Welp, I am still working my way through the fantastic book from the ILS summer book club, Life Under Compulsion.  It’s beautifully written but very meaty so I’ve been a bit slower than I’d like to admit. Maybe by next summer I’ll be done! I loved the comradery with the other parents and a parent-run bimonthly (every 2 months) book club throughout the year is one of the social extracurricular activities we have thought about adding. Would love to hear from the parent community about additional ideas.

4. What has your family been enjoying this summer?

Everything water—from the pool to the beach to the sailboat, we are happiest in and around the water.

5. What are you most looking forward to next school year?

Many things—it brings me SUCH joy to watch Wyatt’s character grow—it was astonishing to hear him talk about being an “honorable son and student” this past year and also observe him become a voracious learner. I can’t wait to see what this year holds. I also am looking forward to spending more time with the ILS community both in and out of the school setting and reestablishing some semblance of routine in our home!

6. What is your favorite thing about ILS?

6. What is your favorite thing about ILS?

Well, that is definitely a trick question because it should be plural.  One of the many things I cherish about ILS is the staff and the quiet servant leadership that seeks and displays wise counsel.  Watching how gracefully ILS has navigated a very challenging time and also seeing that loving our children was paramount in each and every action from each and every staff member was something I was, and am, grateful for, daily. What a blessing to know that when I send Wyatt to school, I don’t have to worry about what’s being taught and that I’m welcomed into the entire education experience with him.

7. What is one fun thing other ILS families may not know about you?

Well, I’m a psychology major so everyone has a different definition of “fun” (see? Overthinker!) but I run a call center for TV show that catches bad guys so that’s been a fun experience! I’m also bi-lingual in national anthems since I grew up 15 minutes from the Canadian border.