
Meet Us Monday - ILS PTL Officers: Ms. Mildred Millien, Vice President

In our 4th, and final, installment of our PTL "Meet Us Monday" feature, please meet Ms. Mildren Millien, ILS PTL Vice President. Ms. Millien previously served for two years as PTL Treasurer. This summer, we've been introducing our new ILS PTL officers for the 2018-2019 school year to give you a chance to better know the parents who are going to be serving in the coming school year!

We our so grateful for this team of parents and for their willingness to serve the school community on the PTL. Please watch your emails and ILS social media over the summer months for additional communications from the PTL, including information on upcoming events such as Los Tios Night in July and a back-to-school picnic in August on Supply Drop-off Day!

The Parent Teacher League (PTL) supports classical Lutheran education at ILS and helps to provide opportunities for parents to engage in the life of the school. Through a variety of events and activities throughout the year, the PTL helps to strengthen our sense of community as a school.

Meet Us Monday - ILS PTL Officers: Mr. Andray McCuien, President

This summer, we're running our "Meet Us Monday" series on our ILS blog featuring the newly elected ILS PTL officers for the 2018-2019 school year. These parents are looking forward to working with our school community during the upcoming year, and we are deeply grateful for their willingness to serve.

We hope you are able to attend the upcoming Los Tios Night on July 24th and a back-to-school picnic in August on Supply Drop-off Day, both generously hosted by the PTL! Please watch your emails for additional information on these, and other upcoming events. 

The Parent Teacher League (PTL) supports classical Lutheran education at ILS and helps to provide opportunities for parents to engage in the life of the school. Through a variety of events and activities throughout the year, the PTL helps to strengthen our sense of community as a school.

This week, please meet Mr. Andray McCuien, who will be serving as PTL President. Mr. McCuien previously served as the PTL Vice President.

Meet Us Monday - ILS PTL Officers: Mrs. Jennifer Dyck, Secretary

Our summer "Meet Us Monday" series features our new ILS PTL officers for the 2018-2019 school year to give you a chance to better know the parents who are going to be serving in the coming school year!

We are so grateful for this team of parents and for their willingness to serve the school community on the PTL. Please watch your emails and ILS social media over the summer months for additional communications from the PTL, including information on upcoming events such as Los Tios Night in July and a back-to-school picnic in August on Supply Drop-off Day!

The Parent Teacher League (PTL) supports classical Lutheran education at ILS and helps to provide opportunities for parents to engage in the life of the school. Through a variety of events and activities throughout the year, the PTL helps to strengthen our sense of community as a school.

This week, please meet Mrs. Jennifer Dyck, who will be joining the PTL for her first term, serving as Secretary!

Meet Us Monday - ILS PTL Officers: Mrs. Cathy Cook, Treasurer

We're bringing back our "Meet Us Monday" series over the summer to introduce you to our new ILS PTL officers for the 2018-2019 school year! 

The Parent Teacher League (PTL) supports classical Lutheran education at ILS and helps to provide opportunities for parents to engage in the life of the school. Through a variety of events and activities throughout the year, the PTL helps to strengthen our sense of community as a school.

We thank each of these parents for their willingness to serve in this capacity and for taking the time to share a bit more about themselves! Please watch for additional communications from the PTL over the summer about some upcoming events, including Los Tios Night and a back-to-school picnic!

This week, please meet Mrs. Cathy Cook, who will be joining the PTL for her first term, serving as Treasurer!